BPPM version 9.5 works with both Sybase database and Oracle database. Oracle database is required to run on a different server(s) while Sybase database is embedded and co-located on BPPM server. Although Sybase database license comes free with paid BPPM license, you must purchase your own Oracle database license separately.
Sybase database is a good option for a small monitoring environment and for prototyping purpose. But you need Oracle database to monitor a large environment because Sybase database does not provide enough scalability.
BPPM 9.5 made a major improvement on number of required Oracle database licenses. In BPPM 9.5, you only need single Oracle database instance (one license) regardless the number of BPPM servers in your environment. But each BPPM server connected to this single Oracle database instance will need its own login IDs and its own table spaces.
For example, if you have two BPPM servers in your environment, you can run just one Oracle instance and let both BPPM servers connect to this single Oracle instance. Each BPPM server needs to have its own login IDs and its own table spaces. Two login IDs are required for each BPPM server, one as a transaction user and one as a reporting user. Both login IDs are required even you don't plan to implement BPPM Reporting. You also need to create two table spaces for each BPPM server, one as default table space and one as temporary table space.
In the above example, you can create 2 table spaces for BPPM server1 as PNET_TS1 and PNET_TS_TMP1, and create 2 table spaces for BPPM server2 as PNET_TS2 and PNET_TS_TMP2. Then you can create 2 login IDs for BPPM server1 as proact1 and proact1ru, and create 2 login IDs for BPPM server2 as proact2 and proact2ru. Please note that the reporting user ID has to be the transaction user ID + 'ru'. You cannot use a different user ID as reporting user ID because, during BPPM server installation, you can only specify the transaction user ID and installer will determine the reporting user ID automatically.
BMC Supplies a list of SQL scripts to help you create table spaces, user IDs, and set system parameters for the Oracle database instance. The values for the system parameters are based on the size of your BPPM environment as small, medium, or large. Some of these scripts are interactive. If you found the interactive scripts don't run smoothly in your environment, read through the scripts to understand what they are trying to do and then modify the scripts to be non-interactive.
BPPM (BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management) or TrueSight Operations Management (the rebranded name) suite is the latest solution from BMC Software for enterprise system management. It combines the data analytic engine from ProactiveNet, the event processing engine from BMC Event Manager (BEM), and the server/application monitor from PATROL into one product. This blog is intended to share information and experience on TrueSight/BPPM implementation, customization, and integration.
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